Tuesday, October 9, 2012

5: Arroyo Grande

The highlights of the afternoon:
- Turri Road, where I saw a total of 3 cars, a school bus, and a mail truck
- Prefumo Canyon, yet another exposed steep climb, but this time with cattle grates and a truly unique view of Morro Rock
- See Canyon, an unexpected dirt road section at the top (again with cattle grates) and another exciting descent
- See Canyon Fruit Farms, a source for massive heirloom apples
- Kelsey See Canyon Vineyards, a nice place with lots of peacocks foot no apparent reason
- Avila Valley Barn, where I had pumpkin pie a la mode
- seeing the Shell Beach cliffs up close
- the Grieb Farmhouse Inn, where I am the guest. That's right, there is only 1 guest here tonight.

Unfortunately my phone gave up the ghost earlier in the day, so some pictures never came to be.

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