Thursday, October 4, 2012

SF2G and then some

Tomorrow I'll be getting a ridiculously early start with SF2G, everyone's favorite bicycle commuter gang, on its monthly First Friday Friendly Frolic, in which we make sure absolutely everyone makes it to their place of work. (Though I'll feel a little silly for not actually going to work.) Even more special will be the catering by Kahnfections at the halfway water stop. Cyclists love scones.

To begin this trip with SF2G is also symbolic in that I first got into long distance riding with SF2G, and the aesthetic of riding one's bike to actually get somewhere still resonates with me. (See: this trip.)

Google is of course only halfway for me, and I should be there by 10am, leaving an absurd amount of time to get down to Santa Cruz.

That's the last I'll write from this laptop; future updates will be from my phone. I've miles to sleep before I go.

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